Beauty brands thrive when the product is clinically tested, proven through studies, and demonstrated through photo and video testimonial of real women.
This behind-the-scenes work yields real results that consumers trust.
This work brings credibility to your brand and product.

MLS provides in-house clinical testing in phases: expert skin grading, consumer trials, instrumentation, and consumer perception and video testimonials.

We extract pertinent marketing content and beauty claims through guided conversation with our in-use trial participants. You get real market data and benefits to market and grow your brand.

The Problem?
Acquiring clinical testing, consumer perception studies, and before-and-after video and testimonial, requires working with multiple companies. These professionals; scientists, photographers, and videographers, and marketing groups, are great at what they do, but don't necessarily understand the beauty world. You would then be left on your own to interpret raw clinical data, sort through digital content, and create a brand story that consumers understand. This is a feat....
WE DO IT ALL. We Speak Science and Beauty. Media Lab Science is a team of experts including beauty scientists, beauty development and marketing, esthetics, clinical testing, photography, videography, editing, casting and recruiting, creative, and social media. We are housed in one location with on-site facilities including a testing lab, a photo and video studio, and creative and marketing offices.
our method
Tel. 123-456-7890
Fax. 123-456-7890
500 Terry Francois Street,
San Francisco, CA 94158

before & after
Our photographer captures stunning before and after photo for captivating marketing content that sells. We have exclusive angles and positions to highlight your product's efficacy. Shot through the trial phases, each incremental change is recorded and provided to you to for visual proof for marketing.

efficacy claims
Your product efficacy is proven through a multitude of strategies including visual, measured through instruments and skin technology and through consumer use trials. We analyze and translate the data into marketable content to help your brand succeed.

With our vast testing pool of candidates we have anyone you need to represent your brand. We cast relatable "real life" people to best reflect your consumer and to acquire reliable results.

expert guidance
Our experts are here to guide the entire process. We know what sells and how to get it through our unique multi-layer testing process. With decades in the beauty business and experts managing the testing, we will produce remarkable content to validate and propel your brand in the beauty space.